Let us help you find out about Sandwell Valley Country Park, including the use of accessibility statement, cookie policy and privacy notice of this website.
This web page offers a comprehensive list of activities for visitors to enjoy, ranging from nature walks and birdwatching to cycling and picnicking.
The What’s On web page of Sandwell Valley Country Park provides up-to-date information about upcoming events, workshops, and special programs happening within the park.
The Food, Drink & Shopping web page highlights the diverse options from cozy cafés serving hot beverages and tasty snacks to gift shops offering souvenirs and local produce.
The About Us web page provides an insightful overview of the park’s offering to visitors. It showcases a glimpse into the park’s rich heritage, conservation efforts and animal welfare.
The Plan Your Visit web page serves as a comprehensive guide for visitors, offering essential information on opening hours, admission fees, parking options and accessibility.
The Venue Hire web page showcases the park’s versatile event spaces available for private functions, weddings, corporate gatherings and community events.
The Contact Us web page offers visitors with various ways to get in touch with park staff, including phone numbers, email addresses and a contact form.
Details of accessibility.
How cookies are used on the site and each cookie’s purpose.
Sandwell council’s approach to user privacy.